Imagine There’s No Heaven…

He woke up the next morning and as he sipped his fresh ground Starbucks-in-a-bag coffee the TV was singing…


”Imagine all the people living life in peace”


It was a commercial announcement for Amnesty International.


He remembered Assibi telling him a strange thing.


That song by the late great John Lennon, was the unofficial, official song of the United Nations.


It had never been hard for Corey Kerr to “imagine there’s no heaven”. The idea that there was a place where angels lived and certain human beings went after their death was just a caricature to him…a soft cloudy fantasy with harps and nothing more.


This Messiah project had done the opposite, now he was finding himself imagining that there could be a heaven. It had become a ‘what if’ question that his mind was mulling over as he lived his daily life. And yet….


Religions divided that was for sure…unless a religion could unite humanity who needed it? And the problem with Messiah’s was that you couldn’t mix and match them like you can with religion…since they are human beings you had to choose one or the other. Maybe that’s why many claimants declared they were the true one that all religions were pointing too…like Khan who claimed he was Kalki, Maitreya and Al-Mahdi rolled in to one.


If you removed the Messiah there was a hope that religion, that seemed so necessary to human beings, could be part of the solution that humanity was putting together.


Corey’s thinking was getting clearer and his heart and mind were resolving into an integrated vision of the future.


It was time to tie up the loose ends of this Messiah study and propose the strategy Heinrich had asked him to develop. The messianic madness had to stop and it had to stop soon.