The Mother of Us All

Corey felt a presence in that place almost palpable like a weight but there was nothing but space and the light that diffused from the crystal hanging high above in the nape of the dome.


He tried to think but he couldn’t. So unusual was this that he just seemed to freeze into a stillness that he had never known. Fear kept trying to assail him but a field of white ice locked it out.


He did not know how long he was there except that the crystal light had transformed into an electric light and night had descended upon Auroville, upon India, upon Asia. Suddenly he felt far away from home as if he had lost his moorings in this world and floated now on a white sea of unknown waters.


He drifted back to Pondicherry by taxi and found himself lying down upon his bed with tears in his eyes. All of the sadness of his life had suddenly welled up inside him and encapsulated into a single giant tear as he was swept from the shore of time into some shoreless realm of sleep.