Thief In The Night

It seemed to Corey at first glance like the perfect fantasy that would fit the emotional and conservative American church that was unable to conceive of suffering persecution. Their Daddy in the sky would rescue them from their enemies before their enemies had truly become dangerous.



But if Corey had learned one thing from his studies so far it was to not focus on the ideas and motivations of men but to look at what the scriptures said about the motivations and plans of God. That’s where he had found something that made sense, that had clarity and power in it.



It was when he looked at Gods plan as revealed in the Words of the scriptures that he was continually challenged and surprised and enlightened in the sense that these words brought light to to his vision that had been obscured by darkness.



He didn’t always like what he saw but at least he saw it and could make a choice of how to respond. He realized that before he had studied this Bible he had no choice…he had only seen the world through his own eyes, and collective experience of his current culture.



Now he had an alternative view, as it were a view from Heaven, an eye that gazed down from eternity and played out the unfolding of a Divine Will and Plan in time.



Without accepting or rejecting this view Corey now tried to understand this doctrine of a rapture of the church that would occur suddenly, when the world did not expect it, in times of relative peace, yet in times when the darkness of impending moral, political, and natural disaster were building all around.



“Behold I come like a thief in the night!”



This was the warning